Monograph publication
Department of «Geotechnology, mining systemology and subsurface science» of RSE «NC CPMRM RK» published a monograph «Geoinformation object-oriented technologies of development of automated design system of open cast» in February, 2011. Authors of monograph are: Zharmenov A.A., Turdakhunov M.M., Bukeikhanov D.G., Bekmurzaev D.G., Syedin V.F.
Bases of geoinformation technology, geoinformatics, geoinformation systems; implementation of geoinformational modeling of mining were expounded; characteristics of domestic and foreign information systems and geoinformation models of basic objects of open cast: deposits and open casts mine, also methods and ways of their modeling were given in monograph. Classification of geoinformation models of deposits of solid minerals and open cast mines was represented.
Bases of object-oriented modeling, advantages of it over mathematical and algorithmic modeling by creation of complex discrete systems were expounded.
Architecture of automated design system of open cast developed by authors was represented. Basic structural objects of system, their interfaces and movement, basic thread of execution were determined. Process of object-oriented modeling of objects of open cast was described.
Monograph is intended for scientific associates, engineers, programmers applied by issues of development of mineral deposits and their SAD, also for students of institution of higher education of mining and information profiles.
Reviewers: Buktukov N.S., Doc. Tec. Sci., professor, Akhmedov D.Sh., Doc. Tec. Sci.
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