RSE NC CPMRM RK performs basic and applied research in the development and exploration of mineral deposits of ferrous, nonferrous, rare and precious metals, non-metallic feed and chemical raw materials, in efficient production and efficient treatment of natural resources, integrated chemicometallurgical processing of raw materials to the stage of the end product of high commercial availability, maximum reduction of technogenic impact of mining and smelting sector, developmental efforts, carries out upgrading of mining and smelting sector, creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of leading enterprises in the industry.


fsa RSE “NC CPMRM RK” is accredited as a subject of scientific and/or technical activity for 5 years (Certificate of Accreditation МК No.005973 from 24 December 2019).


Basing on 31 state licenses, the Center carries out works aimed at consistent task decision in all stages of mining and metallurgical cycle from ore mining and concentration to final goods production, including the following:


In mining:

  • Development of effective and safe ore deposits development technologies;
  • Investigation of physical, mechanical, technological and structural characteristics of rocks and ores;
  • Geomechanical substantiation of technological parameters of ore deposits development;
  • Research and exploration of optimal ore pretreatment methods and ore quality control systems;
  • Development and implementation of stowing operations technologies using mining and metallurgical sector wastes;
  • Development of new explosives and improvement of drilling and blasting operations technology on their basis;
  • Development and implementation of effective ventilation schemes and air dust control methods and means in underground mines;
  • Motorization of underground and opencast mining operations;
  • Development of software systems and information technologies to create geological databases, solid mass state management and technological processes and units management;
  • Consulting services in the field of mining law, mining practice economics, Geoecology and Geotechnology, drilling and blasting operations, and creation of explosives, mine safety.


In concentration:

  • synthesis of high-efficiency floatation reagents;
  • creation of combined gravitation and floatation processes for ore concentration and metallurgical schemes of complex ore processing;
  • automation of technological processes, development of control, management and software;
  • pilot research of concentration possibility of all ore types with use of various schemes, depending on customer’s request; preparation of materials for approval and calculation of reserves in the State Committee of Reserves.


In metallurgy:

  • development, improvement and introduction of technologies and equipment for processing of various ore types and technogenic wastes of mining and metallurgical enterprises with complex extraction of valuable components, such as ferrous, non-ferrous, precious, rare and rare-earth metals, by way of pyrolysis and hydrometallurgical processing into final products;
  • creation of theoretical fundamental bases of steel and alloy melting, in particular, of thermodynamics of carbothermic processes of complex mineral raw material reduction and phase balance in technogenic products of melting in electrothermic conditions;
  • improvement of technology of mass alloy types production (high-carbon ferromanganese and ferrochrome, silicomanganese, ferrotitanium, etc.);
  • integration of research outcomes to the industry, designer’s and technological supervision, conducting expertise and issuing reports about metallurgical value of mineral raw materials;
  • standardization and certification of mining and metallurgical complex production.


In advance planning:

  • engineering and geodesic survey works;
  • engineering and geologic survey works;
  • development of special parts of projects;
  • designing of objects of mining, petrochemical, processing industry, water treatment facilities and slurry pits for all industry sectors;
  • development of projects for construction organization;
  • complex development of city planning and design documentation for construction and reconstruction of architectural objects;
  • engineering services.


In environment protection:

  • development of program documents;
  • development of normative documents and improvement of economic mechanism of nature management, preparation of expert materials of scientific-research, design and engineering documentation;
  • assessment of environmental effect of enterprises, investigation of environmental status of objects, development of forecasts and giving recommendations for environmental improvement of natural ecosystems;
  • development and realization of technologies of water and soil treatment, including biotechnologies, water treatment equipment and installations;
  • improvement of production wastes management systems, standards of waste distribution and storage, industrial monitoring for determination of waste hazard class and their classification;
  • development of models of devices controlling contamination emissions, automation of fluid media dosage processes, control of hydrotechnical status of tailing dumps and waste pits;
  • expertise of chemical production safety passports.


Main directions of activity of RSE NC CPMRM RK are aimed at system solution of problems in all stages of mining and metallurgical cycle: from mining, dressing, processing to produce of final products. They include:

  • Performance of scientific and research work: fundamental and applied research, development of new technologies, equipment and appliances.
  • Implementation of development activities: pilot, pilot and industrial, industrial tests of new technological processes, equipments and devices; engineering activity, production and testing of pilot samples; technological designing, development of innovative projects, technical and economical assessment, and design estimates of new production.
  • Development of regulatory and procedural documentation (international and state standards, standards of organizations, technical specifications, measurement methods); environmental projects.
  • Design and manufacture of standard samples (state, international, regional, enterprise) for quality control of production of mining and metallurgical industries.
  • Performing arbitration, certification, inspection, certification analyses of mineral and production-induced raw materials, meta products and environmental mediums.