Main directions of activity of RSE NC CPMRM RK are aimed at system solution of problems in all stages of mining and metallurgical cycle: from mining, dressing, processing to produce of final products. They include:
Performance of scientific and research work: fundamental and applied research, development of new technologies, equipment and appliances.
Implementation of development activities: pilot, pilot and industrial, industrial tests of new technological processes, equipments and devices; engineering activity, production and testing of pilot samples; technological designing, development of innovative projects, technical and economical assessment, and design estimates of new production.
Development of regulatory and procedural documentation (international and state standards, standards of organizations, technical specifications, measurement methods); environmental projects.
Design and manufacture of standard samples (state, international, regional, enterprise) for quality control of production of mining and metallurgical industries.
Performing arbitration, certification, inspection, certification analyses of mineral and production-induced raw materials, meta products and environmental mediums.